Error codes

A list of all the error codes that are available within relation to Aternos and exaroton. They are displayed here together with solutions or answers.

Website error codes

Error 401

This error should not occur, but this error always indicates that you are not logged into the website if it does show up for you. Logging back in is mandatory.

Error 402

This error indicates that you do not have share access permissions for what you are trying to do within another person's server. You can solve this by asking the owner of the server you are accessing with share access to give you that permission.

Error 403

Error 403 is a Cloudflare block which can happen due to certain characters you try to save in a config file. This should be fixable by removing comments (#) in the file you are trying to save.

Error 412 and 417

These are cookie problems. This probably indicating you disabled cookies, which need to be enabled.

Upload error codes

Error 101 and 103

For these errors, the solution should be pretty simple. Reloading the page should fix these errors already.

Error 105, 198 and 199

For these errors, the solution would be to use the legacy upload. The legacy upload can be used by holding down ctrl and then pressing the upload button. Please note that the legacy upload still has a restriction of 200MB max. 198 and 199 can also be browser, or internet related.

Error 105 can also be caused by invalid characters in folder names. Invalid characters are anything but:

a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, _

Error 107

This error mostly just indicates bad internet from your side. The solution to this would simply be reloading the website. if that doesn't work, you should fix your internet.

The legacy upload can be used for almost any world upload error code, but it's not guaranteed they it will actually work.

The legacy upload can be used by holding down ctrl and then pressing the upload button.


It's possible that the answers and solutions given here don't always work. If that's the case with your issue, please use the links displayed on the sidebar to go to official media from the hosts for support.

Last updated